
Benefits of Regular Ducted Heating Cleaning London

  Air ducts play a crucial role in maintaining ideal living conditions in your home. They do, however, attract a lot of dust while doing so. According to studies, homes produce approximately 40 pounds of dust per year. And if you're wondering where all that dust ends up, it's in the air ducts.   Air ducts constantly circulate heated and cooled air throughout the house, and if you don't get professional duct cleaning London services, a lot of dust can build up in them, causing allergies, illness, and increased energy consumption. As a result, you must maintain your air ducts and schedule regular ducted heating cleaning London services.   Here are some of the benefits of regular ducted heating cleaning in London:   Reduce the dirt, dust, and debris levels. Dirt, dust, and debris will naturally find their way into your home's duct system throughout the year. This does not imply that you are doing something wrong; it is simply part of what happens when na...

7 signs you need duct cleaning services in London

Have you ever noticed pet hair or dust stuck in a vent? Are your noticing little wisps of dust coming out of an air duct when you turn on your home's HVAC system? Is there any dirt, dust, mildew or debris on the grill of the return air registers? These could be the tell-tale signs that your abode’s ductwork should be thoroughly cleaned or hiring a professional  duct cleaning service London. Keeping your air ducts clean is essential for good health and a liveable environment inside your home. Continue reading to learn about the warning signs that your air ducts need to be cleaned. But before that let’s see what are air ducts and how they get dirty.   What exactly are air ducts? A house's air ducts are essentially tubes that connect the HVAC system to air vents throughout the home. The HVAC system draws in air through an intake vent and either heats or cools it. The system then forces that heated or cooled air out through the ducts and air vents throughout the house to c...

The Importance of Fire Damper Testing in Commercial and Residential

One of the most frequent excuses given for failing to get fire dampers checked and properly cleaned is that they are simply out of sight. There is a serious problem with the adage "out of sight, out of mind." We've also heard the justifications that it's tough to obtain and actually takes a lot of time.   Fortunately, Total Duct Cleaning London will ensure that you never have to worry about any of these problems again. All of this can be done for you by our teams of skilled Fire Damper Testing Service in London , who will test your fire dampers to make sure they're in excellent operating condition and make sure your business or facility complies with the testing schedule.   Uncontrolled fire poses a major risk at all times. A fire may spread through a ventilation ductwork in an emergency. The ventilation ducting must therefore be fitted with reliable, high-quality fire dampers that also prevent smoke from spreading, ensuring the safety of escape routes. ...