7 signs you need duct cleaning services in London

Have you ever noticed pet hair or dust stuck in a vent? Are your noticing little wisps of dust coming out of an air duct when you turn on your home's HVAC system? Is there any dirt, dust, mildew or debris on the grill of the return air registers? These could be the tell-tale signs that your abode’s ductwork should be thoroughly cleaned or hiring a professional duct cleaning service London.

Keeping your air ducts clean is essential for good health and a liveable environment inside your home. Continue reading to learn about the warning signs that your air ducts need to be cleaned. But before that let’s see what are air ducts and how they get dirty.


What exactly are air ducts?

A house's air ducts are essentially tubes that connect the HVAC system to air vents throughout the home. The HVAC system draws in air through an intake vent and either heats or cools it. The system then forces that heated or cooled air out through the ducts and air vents throughout the house to cool or heat it.

Some people compare a home's air ducts to lungs. Air ducts can be thought of as the arteries of a house. Our bodies receive the nutrients they require, and our organs function normally as long as our arteries remain clear and clean. However, if our arteries become dirty or clogged, a variety of problems can arise.

The same is true for air ducts. The air that circulates throughout our house is healthy and safe as long as our air ducts are clean and clear. However, if our air ducts become clogged or dirty, toxins can enter our homes and force our HVAC system to work harder than it should.


How do ducts become filthy?

Regardless of how well your air duct filters work, the accumulation of dirt and debris over time causes your ducts to become dirty. Cleaning and replacing your filters regularly is an excellent way to keep your ducts clean.


When should air ducts be cleaned?

Air ducts do an excellent job of maintaining and cleaning themselves. However, suppose you've noticed a drop in air quality or haven't cleaned your ducts in a long time. In that case, calling a professional duct cleaning services team to clean and freshen up things is a good idea.


7 Warning Signs That Your Air Ducts Need Cleaning

If you have noticed any of these seven signs in your home or office, your air ducts may be sending you a distress signal!


Your health isn't what it should be

The first sign that your air ducts are clogged may be seen in your respiratory system. Coughing, sneezing, wheezing, brain fog, exhaustion, allergies, increased asthma attacks, and other symptoms can all indicate the presence of recirculating toxins and debris in your indoor air system.



When you turn on your HVAC system and the air starts to flow, you may see a tiny puff of dust coming from your air registers. This indicates that there is more dust in the area where the puff came from.

Visible dust could also be caused by dusty or clogged air registers. If the problem continues even after cleaning and the air registers on the inside and outside, it is most likely due to trapped internal dust that needs to be cleaned. Contact a professional duct cleaning service London for better duct cleaning results.


Debris in the Open

When you remove an air register, you may notice that dust, dirt, pet dander, or other harmful material is collected inside the air ducts, indicating that your ducts have become clogged.

The best way to tell is to remove only visible dust and dirt. If this happens again, it's probably time to call a professional air duct cleaning service.


Mildew or mould

Mould or mildew may be growing on and/or around the outside of your air registers, and it may be black or grey/brown.

Unfortunately, when this occurs, it usually indicates the presence of a larger mould or mildew problem, necessitating a lengthy clean-up project.

If it is determined that the mould or mildew is contained within your air ducts, cleaning, vacuuming, sanitizing, and deodorising them can save you from having to dismantle your home to remove the mould. This is why regular cleaning is so important. If you notice mould or mildew around your air ducts, please contact professionals, such as at Total Duct Cleaning London.



Odour is a strong indicator that there is debris in your air duct system. If your house smells a little "off" and you've inspected the entire house but can't find the source, it could be a problem with your air duct system.

You can conduct a test by getting very close to one or more air registers and thoroughly sniffing them; this may confirm your suspicions. Another option is to have your HVAC technician inspect your air ducts for trapped dirt, dust, allergens, mould, or mildew that may be causing the same odour.


Inconsistent Airflow

When air appears to flow freely from some air registers in specific rooms but not from others, dust and particle obstructions may be forming inside your air duct system.

It could also be the result of damaged or ripped ducts, so have an HVAC specialist such as at Total Duct Cleaning, look for both during your HVAC check-up.


At Total Duct Cleaning London, we believe that service and quality come first and that every customer, large or small, will receive the same level of service. This mindset has served us and our clients well in the past, and we are committed to continuing to provide the best service in the industry in the future. If you notice any of the above symptoms, find your nearest location today to schedule professional air duct cleaning services.


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